Our Values

Seeking First the Kingdom of God
All key business decisions and strategies must be aligned with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, as outlined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Shepard-Like Love
All profits go towards supporting His vulnerable sheep and growing His flock.

This project is completely voluntary, no Directors or Leaders of the Company receive any form of compensation.

  • ICON Ministry

    Category: Evangelisation, Music, Saving needy children

    ICON Ministry is a Catholic non-profit global media and outreach Apostolate; building a community of all ages, guiding them to the love and hope of Jesus Christ.

  • Coalition for Life (WA)

    Category: Pro-life

    The Coalition for Life is a non- denominational and non-party political association with the following objects:

    (i) to promote and preserve the sanctity of human life from fertilization to natural death;
    (ii) to oppose the destruction of human life by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and experimentation;
    (iii) to encourage organisations which share the above objects; and
    (iv) to engage in campaigns, projects and other activities in order to achieve objects (i), (ii) and (iii).

  • Gabi After Hours

    Category: Evangelisation

    Dedicated to providing free high quality Catholic videos for education, evangelization, and entertainment.

Volunteer, intern or partner with us (and help grow His flock).